Episode 32
Maggie’s Alarming Behavior!
Mags and Dad talk about how to get through music lessons without practicing, recommendations for how to unwind, plus random “would you rather” questions with the whole family.
Show Notes:
02:25 Dan’s dogs’ disc golf epiphany.
04:25 Maggie’s alarming alarm usage.
10:50 Mags to Valentine or Gal-entine this year?
15:10 Theatre Kids theory and how NOT to take music lessons.
19:00 “Would you rather” random questions for the family.
24:00 Listener question from Michelle – How do you quiet your mind and unwind?
The negative side of social media on the brain. https://now.northropgrumman.com/this-is-your-brain-on-instagram-effects-of-social-media-on-the-brain/
34:50 What are Maggie’s “No” lines?
39:50 Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or on a ski lift?
42:33 Would you rather have your first child at 18 or 40?
42:54 Would you rather be 4’5” or 7’ 7”?
43:30 Listener question from Emma: Who is your favorite character on “New Girl?”
46:38 Dan and Shay binge watching “Alias.” Jennifer Garner is the bomb!
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